Alex Beynon, left, and Nicola Crowhurst perform during a previous concert hosted by the Nanaimo Concert Band. The band is hosting a free concert in Maffeo Sutton Park Monday (July 18).

Alex Beynon, left, and Nicola Crowhurst perform during a previous concert hosted by the Nanaimo Concert Band. The band is hosting a free concert in Maffeo Sutton Park Monday (July 18).

Nanaimo Concert Band performs during free show in Maffeo Sutton Park

NANAIMO - Nanaimo Concert Band performs a free concert in Maffeo Sutton Park Monday (July 18), starting at 6:30 p.m.

Nanaimo residents and visitors strolling through Maffeo Sutton Park Monday next week will be serenaded by members of the Nanaimo Concert Band.

The band is performing during its annual free summer concert at the Lion’s Pavilion Monday (July 18) starting at 6:30 p.m.

Shari Barker, a member of the Nanaimo Concert Band, said the atmosphere will be family-oriented with light-hearted music.

“This one’s got a lot of toe tapping,” said Barker about the music.

She said performing outdoors is totally different than performing indoors because the atmosphere is more casual. People are free to walk around, talk, have a picnic or participate in other activities.

“It’s always a challenge playing outdoors because of the weather and wind, losing your music into the ocean has been done,” she said.

She also loves the vibe of the event.

“It’s so cute when you are playing and all these kids are dancing away,” said Barker.

The Nanaimo Concert Band has been hosting a free summer concert since it was founded more than 140 years ago. Barker said many people who are strolling by stop and comment to the members about the music.

“We end up getting a lot of positive feedback from people who have never heard our music,” she said.

Attendees are also welcome to come and talk to the members after the performance about their instruments, the band and how to join.

“It’s a great opportunity for kids or people who are just interested because the band members love to talk music,” said Barker.

People who are interested in becoming members must be over the age of 14, be able to play their instrument at an intermediate level or better and read sheet music.

The Nanaimo Concert Band was formed in 1872 and originally was called the Nanaimo Junior Bass, but was renamed shortly after to Nanaimo Brass Band.

During the 1920s, the group was known as the Nanaimo Silver Cornet Prize Band.

For more information, please go to

Nanaimo News Bulletin