Kali Foster stars as Princess Eugenie, the love interest of Aladdin, in Aladdin and the Pirates presented by the Nanaimo Theatre Group.

Kali Foster stars as Princess Eugenie, the love interest of Aladdin, in Aladdin and the Pirates presented by the Nanaimo Theatre Group.

Nanaimo Theatre Group’s pantomime has pirate theme

Nanaimo Theatre Group presents Aladdin and the Pirates at Bailey Theatre.

Seafarers and landlubbers alike can share in the laughter of Nanaimo Theatre Group’s annual Christmas Pantomime.

The theatre group presents Aladdin and the Pirates, written by Brian Luff, at the Bailey Studio, located at 2373 Rosstown Rd.

The story combines details of the original tale with piracy, elements of British pantomime, which includes a pantomime animal – a penguin named Monty.

The show stars Miranda Atkinson as Aladdin; Rob Atkinson as Widow Twankey, Aladdin’s mother; Kali Foster as Princess Eugenie, Aladdin’s love interest; Kim Rogers as the Empress of Peking and Shane Murphy as Captain Abanazer, an evil pirate musician.

In typical pantomime fashion, audience members are encouraged to cheer for the heroes and boo the villains throughout the evening.

The story is set in Old Peking, China and centres around Aladdin and his mother Widow Twankey.

Abanazer tricks Aladdin into helping him locate a magic lamp on Pirate Island. Inside that lamp, Gene Genie, played by Arvon Brunt, dwells. Abanazer wishes for wealth and power and it’s up to Aladdin to thwart the evil pirate’s plans.

The pantomime debuts Saturday (Dec. 17) at 7:30 p.m. It runs Dec. 19, 26-30 at 7:30 p.m. and Dec. 17-18 and 26-27 at 1:30 p.m. There is a special New Year’s Eve show at 9 p.m.

There are only a few seats left for all shows, with the New Year’s Eve performance already sold out.

For tickets please call 250-758-7224 or go to www.nanaimotheatregroup.ca.

The Nanaimo Theatre Group’s next production is Exit the King, written by Eugene Ionesco. The play, which debuts in February, is about the decline and death of King Berenger and in his absence, how his court and kingdom descend into chaos.

Nanaimo News Bulletin