Nanaimo’s Kismet Theatre Academy offering Fame Jr. The Musical in production course

NANAIMO- Kismet Theatre Academy offers a variety of courses this fall including a production course where students will star in Fame Jr.

Bonnie Catterson, director of Kismet Theatre Academy, is set to sing and dance while she teaches students during Fame Jr. the Musical.

Bonnie Catterson, director of Kismet Theatre Academy, is set to sing and dance while she teaches students during Fame Jr. the Musical.

Creating a space where children are free to express themselves, voice their opinions and learn new skills among their peers without judgment is at the core of Kismet Theatre Academy’s philosophy.

Bonnie Catterson, director of Kismet Theatre Academy, said students who enrol in her classes gain more than acting, dancing and singing skills, they form “powerful friendships.”

“This is a place they come where they can be safe 100 per cent,” she said. “No one is judging them, they just accept them.”

Seeing students transform is a source of joy for Catterson, especially if children are shy and begins to come out of their shell.

“There is no better thing than working with kids and seeing their shining faces up there,” said Catterson about when the students rehearse or perform onstage.

Catterson is offering the musical theatre production course where students will work on and star in the show Fame Jr. the Musical.

Catterson said the junior version has been changed so it’s more appropriate for younger actors and some of the edginess of the original version has been taken out.

She said the production course is process-oriented.

“We want the kids to come out of this course feeling like they have a real grasp on musical theatre,” she said.

Students will learn acting, dancing, singing and stage craft, which includes set design, props and costumes.

The musical theatre production course is led by Catterson, who will teach the students acting and dancing, with vocal coach Jona Kristensson of Indie Entertainment and West Coast Vocal Academy.

The production course begins Sept. 12 and runs on Mondays and Fridays from 4-6:30 p.m. It also runs on Saturdays from noon to 2 p.m. for stage craft instruction. The musical theatre production course is $750 or $800 with the addition of stage craft instruction.

Kismet Theatre Academy is offering a number of courses this fall including a Fun in Filmmaking class with Catterson and Nanaimo filmmaker Jeff James Monson, which starts Sept. 13, and a storytelling course which runs Sept. 17 to Dec. 17.

A beginner-intermediate adult scene study and analysis course begins Sept. 12 and runs Monday nights from 7-9 p.m.

For a full list of upcoming courses or more information, please go to or e-mail

Nanaimo News Bulletin