Throughout its first summer, the Arts and Culture Colwood Society raised an arts show, Flatdeck Musical Theatre Presentation and an Emily Carr Interpretive sign located on Painter Trail. (Courtesy Arts and Culture Colwood Society)

New Arts and Culture Society of Colwood seeks community support

Veteran members aim to fund programming worthy of provincial, federal grants

Following hardships experiences throughout the pandemic, the burgeoning Arts and Culture Society of Colwood has gone online to ask community members for donations toward public programming and improvements.

Since posting to on Aug. 8, the society has raised $600 of its $3,000 goal. “As we proceed through the COVID dilemma, we find that Arts & Culture is a catalyst to bring hope and joy back to our neighbourhoods,” reads the donation page.

Ultimately, the society hopes to fund enough programming to become eligible for provincial and federal grants, as well as host a Colwood Arts and Cultural Festival. Since forming, the organization has hosted the Colwood Art Show and a Flatdeck Musical Theatre throughout June and July. The fledgling non-profit also led the way in installing a new sign at Painter Trail, acknowledging famous early-20th century painter Emily Carr’s inspiration from the Royal Bay looking area.

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“Even though we are new – we do come with a lot of experience!” reads the donation page. Executives include president Laura Davis (former president of the West Shore Arts Council and finance officer for the RCM SAR HQ) and vice-president Deborah Czernecky (elected member of the Society of Canadian Artists and founding member of the Coast Collective Arts Centre). “With this experience, we are hopeful to bring many Arts & Culture engagement ideas to the City of Colwood.”

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