The Vault Café will be the meeting spot the for the Nanaimo Mystery/Thriller Book Club.

The Vault Café will be the meeting spot the for the Nanaimo Mystery/Thriller Book Club.

New book club seeks out mysteries

NANAIMO – The Nanaimo Mystery/Thriller Book Club set to meet for the very first time.

A newly formed book club dedicated to mysteries and thrills will be gathering downtown next week.

The Nanaimo Mystery/Thriller Book Club will meet for the very first time on Oct. 15 at the Vault Café.

Club founder MacKenzie Common says she started the group because she has experienced the frustration of having read a great mystery book and having no one to talk about it with.

“Often people haven’t read the same ones as you or you want to discuss that great twist with someone and they are not there,” Common said. “You’re trying to always convince people to read the book you read.”

The first book selected by members will be In a Dark, Dark, Wood by Ruth Ware.

Common, who recently moved to Nanaimo from England, says the group will meet roughly once a month and the chosen book will be decided through a nomination system, which will be done on the group’s page.

“The first three people who RSVP get to nominate a book,” she said.

As the club’s founder, Common will also have the ability to nominate a book, however members will chose the final book through a vote.

“It’s totally democratic. Whichever book gets the most votes is the one we will read that month,” Common said. “I thought it would be a good way to … make people feel like they get to participate in the club decisions.”

In order to become a member, people must register for free at @npescod


Nanaimo News Bulletin