Kate Webb, Jason Short and Kelly Mehrer in a rehearsal for Two Wrongs Don’t Make A Play Right. (Photo credit Brian Lawrence)

Kate Webb, Jason Short and Kelly Mehrer in a rehearsal for Two Wrongs Don’t Make A Play Right. (Photo credit Brian Lawrence)

New Footlighters comedy scheduled

Expect lots of laughs from the latest play by Suzanne Hayman Chubb and Jason Smith.

Expect lots of laughs from the latest play by Suzanne Hayman Chubb and Jason Smith.

Two Wrongs Don’t Make a Play Right, which will be presented by Creston Footlighters on May 18-19 and again on May 23 as part of the Kootenay Zone Drama Festival, features a play within a play.

“I actually had a dream in 2015 about this and fortunately I woke up to remember it,” Chubb said last Thursday. “It was about two writers thinking and talking about a play, which starts to happen as they talk.”

“In our version one of the writers has been up to no good, and tries to manipulate the other in what he wants to write,” Smith added. “Eventually this blows up in his face, and she figures out what he has been up to.”

“It’s a play within a play, to be sure,” Chubb said. “As the writers are thinking, the characters in their play are acting out their thoughts.”

Two Wrongs Don’t Make a Play Right features a cast of nine, with Jennifer Adams (Allison) and Robin Clegg (Barry) in the playwright roles. Acting in the play within the play are Meghan Osborne (Joanie), Dan McGowan (Rev. Riptide), Lucas Szuch (Vincent), Kelly Mehrer (Ed), Kate Webb (Marilyn) and Jason Short (Donald). Chubb (Franny) and Smith (the director), also make appearances.

Set in the 1960s, Smith describes the latest collaboration as “90 per cent comedy, with a dash of mystery and drama. Originally it was about 50/50, but it certainly didn’t end that way!”

Smith said he particularly enjoys writing plays with the potential actors in mind—”It’s a much more pleasant experience.”

For the first time in memory, a Footlighters production is part of Blossom Festival activities, with a Saturday evening performance being followed up with a Sunday matinee.

Tickets for Two Wrongs Don’t Make a Play Right are available at Black Bear Books, Kingfisher Quality Used Books and Fly in the Fibre.

Creston Valley Advance