New group formed to support Sooke Fine Arts Show

Members Services Committee springs into action, goes gallery hopping

SFAS Member Services Committee

SFAS Member Services Committee

The Sooke Fine Arts Society’s recently established Members Services Committee put together its first outing last week. The committee’s first “Members Meander” saw about a dozen SFAS members take in some of the latest spring exhibitions in downtown Victoria on April 2. The group led by team leader Linda Teneycke included new and long-time members; and began with a pub lunch at the Irish Times Pub, before gallery-hopping between various exhibits, including the progressive sound project, curated by Paul Walde, now showing at Open Space Gallery (until June 7), and the world’s largest button blanket, created in conjunction with University of Victoria’s First Peoples House, which will hang at The Legacy Art Gallery until April 25. The meander ended with East Sooke artist Kay Lovett’s latest show (pictured), which came to a close at the Philips Brewing Company.

For more information on Sooke Fine Arts Society annual memberships ($10) and their benefits, please contact the SFAS office at 250-642-7256 or email Catherine Keogan at


Sooke News Mirror