One of the works included in the exhibit.

One of the works included in the exhibit.

New Parkside exhibit is one of a kind

'It tells a story'

The artwork of Helen Kellington will be on display at the Parkside Art Gallery for her solo showcase From Architect to Artist from Sept. 13. until early October. The body of work explores Kellington’s eye for design in the earlier years of her former career in the architecture and interior design industry.

“This exhibit shows how to close the loop, how to live with an idea and bring it full circle – to architect, to artist,” Kellington wrote, in the gallery’s newsletter. Architecture is a series of layers and can be broken down into further layers, siting, context, weather, structure and materials. Each of these layers can be broken down into further layers. The layer that has interested me the most is that part of weather that deals specifically with light – natural, artificial and reflective.”

For the first-time, South Cariboo residents will not only be able to observe the art but interact with it as well.

“I think it’s brilliant,” said Barb Brown, who’s been curating the showcase. “The way she has taken her architectural background and how she’s brought it into her paintings. It tells a story.”

With Parkside being a small gallery, local artists can dictate exactly how their work should be presented. Brown said Kellington had a vision and she executed it.

“Her vision was to link her architectural background and her latest work,” said Brown. “She is very concise, similar to a mathematician in a sense. It’s (the work) creative but it’s contained.”

Some of the pieces selected for the gallery date back to more than 20 years. Residents can view original design plans and architectural sketches of buildings in Vancouver. The majority of Kellington’s work focuses on domestic subjects – tables, chairs, glasses, windows and more.

“My pictures, mostly domestic subjects, have developed and demonstrated deconstruction, distortion and interesting shapes from light and reflection,” Kellington wrote. “In some instances, they appear almost like puzzles.”

Brown said Kellington’s work often comes off as cold because of the tones and palates used to paint but each piece also has a source of light.

“Sometimes artists are unsure about putting their work out but she knew what she wanted,” said Brown. “I hope the public will take the time to observe the art. It’s interesting.”

This is the first time Kellington is releasing some of her work for the public to see.

“It’s precise stuff,” said Brown. “It’s the first time the gallery has ever had any kind of work like this on showcase.”

Parkside Art Gallery supports local artists throughout the South Cariboo through group and solo showcases. Each month an artist is featured to fill the gallery with a collection of work – new and old.

100 Mile House Free Press