Musician and instructor Sevilya Hendrickx-Rai assists a student with finger placement on the electric piano at the Vancouver Island Conservatory in Port Alberni. Hendrickx-Rai is offering summer classes for youth at her Redford Street business. (SUBMITTED PHOTO)

New Vancouver Island Conservatory offers music lessons for kids

Master music instructor focuses on fundamentals in Port Alberni classes

Port Alberni’s new conservatory of music is offering classes for youth this summer.

Instructor Sevilla Hendrickx-Rai opened the Vancouver Island Conservatory of Music and Arts a few months ago. A master music instructor, Hendrickx-Rai plays a variety of instruments. Coming from a family of professional musicians, she studied overseas in Russia and the Netherlands and is an accomplished solo, chamber and orchestral player.

Hendrickx-Rai is offering two summer session classes, which includes a group lesson, Sundays on Aug. 8 and Aug. 15, and Mondays, Aug. 9 and Aug. 16. Classes will be conducted in person, with reduced enrolment capacity. Classes are offered in different age categories: Making Music (newborn to two years old); Music Summer Sampler (classes available for ages 3–5, 5–6, 7–8). Times vary depending on age category.

Students will learn a variety of music fundamentals like melody, pitch, repetition and rhythm through use of hand-held percussion instruments, song, movement and musical stories.

The VI Conservatory is located at 4102 Redford St. in Port Alberni. To register kids for classes, go online to and fill out a form. For more information on times and cost, visit the website at

Alberni Valley News


Instructor Sevilya Hendrickx and two of her young students look over some music flashcards at the Vancouver Island Conservatory on Redford Street in Port Alberni. (SUBMITTED PHOTO)