New York based painter Kristy Gordon is teaching a 'alla prima' painting workshop in January.

New York based painter Kristy Gordon is teaching a 'alla prima' painting workshop in January.

New York painter offers workshop in Nelson

New York based artist Kristy Gordon is teaching a three-day “alla prima” painting workshop in Nelson on January 2, 3 and 4.

New York based artist Kristy Gordon is teaching a three-day “alla prima” painting workshop in Nelson on January 2, 3 and 4 at the Nelson United Church.

This new figure painting workshop is designed for artists who want to learn the alla prima painting technique through observation of the live model. Alla prima means “at once” in Italian and is an approach to painting that is done in a quickly executed wet-into-wet fashion.

Artists of all skill levels will have an opportunity to develop a painting each day, utilizing a different palette. They will explore a monochrome palette to develop their ability to perceive tonal values, a warm/cool palette to investigate temperate variations and finally utilize a limited palette that provides a full range of colours while maintaining colour harmony throughout.

The course will include demonstrations, discussions and individual instruction at the easel. Discussions will include proportion and structure of the head, stages to developing a painting, as well as form, value, edges, balance, unity, light and modeling with colour temperature.

Gordon is visiting BC from New York where she currently resides. She will bring new inspiration from artists she has studied with there such as Jeremy Lipking, Yuqi Wang, Odd Nerdrum, Vincent Desiderio and Jenny Saville.  She has been a full-time, professional painter since 2004, exhibiting her work internationally and earning numerous awards including the Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation Grant, an Award of Excellence from the Portrait Society of America.

Her work can be viewed at

To register for the workshop, or for further information, please contact Bev Gordon at 250 766-1126 or email

Nelson Star