Next show highlights intarsia wood artist

New exhibit, McLean Mill market signup and more on the Alberni arts scene this week.

The intarsia wood art of Port Alberni-based artist Robert Steven opens May 19 at Rollin Art Centre.

The intarsia wood art of Port Alberni-based artist Robert Steven opens May 19 at Rollin Art Centre.

The next Art exhibit at the Rollin Art Centre will feature local Intarsia wood artist, Robert Steven.

“Sawdust & Shavings” starts May 19 and continues until June 13.

What is intarsia? It is an art or technique of decorating a surface with inlaid patterns, especially of wood mosaic, developed during the Renaissance. Steven’s exhibit comprises intricate cut wood patterns.

Stop by the gallery Saturday, May 23 from 1–3 p.m. for refreshments and talk to the artist about this unique art and how he creates it.

Heartfelt show of gratitude

The Community Arts Council would like to send out a big thank you to the “community with a heart” and all the many volunteers who made our past weekend’s giant book sale a great success.

Since January, the Rollin Art Centre has been collecting donated books and over that time we have had many volunteers sorting and storing them so that we could make this year’s event successful. Many, many hours are spent on this event with proceeds going towards the continuation of the Rollin Art Centre and to the many events, workshops and general support we offer local artists.

Thank you, Port Alberni, and thanks to all the wonderful volunteers!

Mill Market already looms

This year’s McLean Mill Christmas market will be back again for two weekends, Nov. 27–29 and Dec. 5–6. If you are interested in renting a table in the main building or one of the heritage buildings, for one weekend or two, there is still room.

For more info or to register for this magical event, stop by the Rollin Art Centre for your application, or call 250-724-3412.

Remembering Gill School

The Alberni District Historical Society will be hosting an evening of stories and memories to celebrate nearly 120 years of Gill’s history.  Please join us at 7 p.m. in the Dogwood Room at Echo Centre on Thurs., May 21.


Melissa Martin is the Arts Administrator at Rollin Art Centre for the Community Arts Council. FMI: call 250-724-3412.

Alberni Valley News