Gordon Hutchens (middle) received his award from Judson Beaumont (right), a Carter Wosk alumnus and 2014 recipient of the Award of Distinction, and BC Achievement vice chair Christopher Gaze. Image supplied

Gordon Hutchens (middle) received his award from Judson Beaumont (right), a Carter Wosk alumnus and 2014 recipient of the Award of Distinction, and BC Achievement vice chair Christopher Gaze. Image supplied

NIC ceramics instructor recognized by BC arts community

Gordon Hutchens received a Carter Wosk Award in Applied Art and Design

A long-time North Island College (NIC) instructor and master potter is receiving recognition for their contributino to the cultural and economic fabric of B.C.

Gordon Hutchens has received a Carter Wosk Award in Applied Art and Design.

Hutchens was presented with the 2019 Award of Distinction by the British Columbia Achievement Foundation (BCAF) at a ceremony at the Roundhouse Community Arts and Recreation Centre in Vancouver.

The award honours his career as a master potter and describes him as a producer of a “wide variety of work from sculptural to functional and utilizes an extremely broad range of techniques.” Hutchens’ pottery “allows everyday objects to transcend their practical nature with magic and beauty,” states the ceremony program.

An instructor at NIC since 1999 and a Denman Island resident, Hutchens has exhibited his work around the world.

He became intrigued by pottery at the age of 14 after visiting Japan where the art form and artists were highly revered. Throughout his career, he has experimented with and expanded the art form and shared his knowledge as an esteemed teacher in BC and Canada.

Sara Vipond, NIC’s Fine Arts Department Chair, said the school is fortunate to have him teaching ceramics courses.

“Sharing his years of research and experience with the students is a priviledge for our program,” she said.

Hutchens’ work is well known for the diversity of his glazes and the strength and refinement of his forms. He uses different clays from all over North America, including a clay from his own property on Denman Island.

“It’s the one art form that involves so many facets,” said Hutchens.

Those facets include painting, colour theory, sculpture, chemistry, mineralogy and pyrometrics – how heat and ash interact with pottery. The kiln, he says, is where everything “weaves together through the magic of fire and heat.”

Hutchens work has been shown in 25 one-person shows and more than 70 group exhibitions. Despite all he has accomplished in his career, he was surprised when he received a phone call from BCAF telling him he would receive the award.

“It’s just a validation thing,” said Hutchens. “I guess people do notice what I have done all these years.”

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