Arts Council of the Central Okanagan

Night sky lights up with art in downtown Kelowna

Celestial Bodies is a projection series that will take place outside the Rotary Centre for the Arts

Downtown Kelowna will soon light up art and music for an animated media project outside the Rotary Centre for the Arts.

Projections of stories of the night sky will be displayed every evening from Feb. 5 to 28.

The project Celestial Bodies is a multicultural creation that depicts ancient astrological stories, exploring the belief systems that make up Canadian and Indigenous society’s diverse fabric.

The multimedia projection shows animated images of star stories accompanied with cross-cultural music.

This is the second projection series to be showcased downtown as part of Light Up Kelowna, a partnership between the Arts Council of the Central Okanagan (ARTSCO) and UBC Okanagan’s Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies.

There is a diverse range of artists involved in the project who have re-interpreted the cosmological stories and oral histories from their heritages — the Indigenous Haudenosaunee, Greek, Chinese and African culture.

According to Kirsteen McCulloch, Executive Director at ARTSCO, those who view Celestial Bodies will see the Big Dipper story from the Haudenosaunee Nation, the Chinese story of Weaver Woman, a Greek story highlighting the mythology of human desires and emotions through heroes and gods and a suspenseful African story called ‘Why the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars live in the Sky?’

The showing is free and will run from 5:30 p.m. to 10 p.m.

READ MORE: Backyard Band’s 35-year legacy plays on in Okanagan

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