Koncept Nightclub is seeking feedback from their regular clubbers.

Koncept Nightclub is seeking feedback from their regular clubbers.

Nightclub seeks feedback

NANAIMO – Koncept Nightclub asks clubbers for ways to improve in online survey.

After nearly one year of throwing dance parties, one downtown nightclub is seeking feedback from clubbers.

In an effort to make improvements, Koncept Nightclub is encouraging people to fill out an online survey. The survey includes questions regarding the club’s operations.

Club manager Sydney Braid said the nightclub is always looking for ways to improve and that the survey is just another way for them to meet the needs of their customers. “The survey allows for our customers to anonymously give their honest opinion, which is very important to us,” Braid said. The nightclub is approaching their one year anniversary. To provide feedback, please visit www.facebook.com/konceptnightclubnanaimo.

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Nanaimo News Bulletin