Not just in theory, but in the flesh

Theory of a Deadman, The Standstills, at the Key City Theatre in Cranbrook

Barry Coulter photos A solid evening of rock at the Key City Theatre Wednesday, July 29, with only one short smoky interlude. Theory of a Deadman played for a sold-out house, and hard-rocking duo The Standstills opened the show.

Barry Coulter photos A solid evening of rock at the Key City Theatre Wednesday, July 29, with only one short smoky interlude. Theory of a Deadman played for a sold-out house, and hard-rocking duo The Standstills opened the show.

It was rock at full throttle Wednesday, July 29, with Theory of a Deadman taking the stage at the Key City Theatre.

More than 600 people, of all ages and from around the region, sold out the theatre to take in the Canadian hard rock band from Delta, B.C., a group one usually sees performing in large arenas.

The show was a presentation of Kootenay Concert Connection.

Tyler Connolly (guitar, lead vocals), Dave Brenner (guitar), Dean Back (bass) and Joey Dandeneau (drums) ran through their repertoire of hits, showcasing their newest material as well as more familiar numbers.

Opening the show was the hard rock duo The Standstills, featuring Jonny Fox on guitar and voice and Renee Couture on drums.

Two songs into Theory of a Deadman’s set, the band’s smoke machine caused the theatre’s fire alarm to go off. By protocol, the theatre had to be evacuated, and so the throng did — the bemused audience and musicians exited in orderly fashion and hung about outside, until the Cranbrook Fire Department gave the all clear — a smoky interlude of about 20 minutes.

TOADM resumed the show with equal if not more energy, and rocked the house for another hour.

Cranbrook Daily Townsman