Notes from the Prince Rupert Seniors Centre

Notes from the Seniors Centre for the week of May 26.

Whist Winners Monday: Men-1st-M. Weir, 2nd and Pool J. Basso; Ladies-1st and Pool — M. Arneson, 2nd-E. Page. Thursday: -Men-1st -M. Niesh, 2nd and Pool -D. Eby; Ladies-1st — E. Page, 2nd and Pool — S. Paulson.

June is soon upon us and that means the last general meeting of the season is coming up Tuesday, June 10 at 10:30 a.m. We need a quorum so please put that date on your calendar.

Seafest weekend is also in June. The Seniors’ Seafest Tea is on Friday, June 13, and I believe it starts at noon. The Tea is free and members of the 75/50 Club get a special invite from the City. You have to have lived in Rupert for 50 years and be 75 years of age to be “in the club”. Let them know at City Hall if you fit that demographic or know of someone who does.

Friday Bingo is cancelled on the day of the Tea as our volunteers will be attending the Tea.

Thank you Darlene Savorelli for the chair exercise class. We are taking a break from exercises for a bit-stay tuned for future info.

The Northern View