Elliot (at right played by Dustin Neufeld) demonstrates his affecton for Barbara (front left played by Raquel Friesen).

Elliot (at right played by Dustin Neufeld) demonstrates his affecton for Barbara (front left played by Raquel Friesen).

One Day at a Time

A Music Makers newcomer stole the show in the latest offering by the Fort St. James theatre group.

A Music Makers newcomer stole the show in the latest offering by the theatre group.

While I must admit as a reviewer I am biased – given this particular newcomer is my neighbour – but in my opinion, Dustin Neufeld stole the show as Elliot Newcombe in the recent production of “One Day at a Time.”

As the overly amorous admirer of Barbara Romano (played by Raquel Friesen), Neufeld literally lit up the stage with his presence, and it was impossible not to laugh at his comic depiction of the dramatic antics of teenage infatuation.

The hair-tossing and woeful expressions were fantastic touches and he did an amazing job of bringing the character to life.

Barbara was a perfect foil for Elliot, with some great expressions to add hilarity to his shenanigans.

But every cast member did a great job, and there was not one actor on the stage who did not create their own comic element at some point.

The play was based on three episodes from the television sitcom of the late 70s, early 80s of the same name, and included a touch of romance, intrigue and family drama, all with a healthy dose of comedy.

In all, the cast did a great job, and at the second weekend of the show’s run there were only a couple of missed lines and lots of hilarious highlights including some local flare, with a jab at Vanderhoof.

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Caledonia Courier