Mission’s Opening Nite Theatre Society is presenting the comedy Death of Zukasky. The show runs March 6 to 22 at the ONTS theatre.

Mission’s Opening Nite Theatre Society is presenting the comedy Death of Zukasky. The show runs March 6 to 22 at the ONTS theatre.

ONTS presents farcical corporate comedy

Death of Zukasky plays in Mission from March 6 to 22.

Opening Nite Theatre Society (ONTS) is presenting Richard Strand’s Death of Zukasky this spring.

The show is being directed by Kathy Yewell and stars Su Wolfe, Andrew Wood, David J. Bodor, and Nate Drury.

Death of Zukasky is a farcical comedy about a wacky sales office in Chicago. There is only one month to go before  raising the curtain on Zukasky’s unenviable workplace, Hellas Incorporated.

During a usual morning meeting, three sales associates find their supervisor, Zukasky (Chuck Alp) dead. The question is, who is next in line for Zukasky’s job?

With a lot of planning, scheming, insecurities and indecisions, office war breaks out between Anne Desmond (Wolfe), a zebra-print wearing high-strung woman, and Zukasky’s successor, an annoying, incompetent dweeb named Barry Mills (Wood), as well as a clever and manipulative A.C. Tattums (Bodor). What’s worse, the department head, Marlino (Drury) announces someone will get the position, leaving everyone else stupefied and intent on climbing to the very top.

Death of Zukasky runs from March 6 to March 22 at the ONTS theatre (33227 North Railway Ave. in Mission). Tickets to the show can be reserved at 604-826-ONTS or tickets@openingnitetheatre.com.


Mission City Record