Open house reveals fibre of the community

Fibre artist hold open house

Guild member Beth Johnston attracted a lot of attention during the open house in the Valley Room, as she created socks on a sock-knitting machine. Some 120 visitors appeared to be fascinated at every station of the open house.

Guild member Beth Johnston attracted a lot of attention during the open house in the Valley Room, as she created socks on a sock-knitting machine. Some 120 visitors appeared to be fascinated at every station of the open house.

By Vivian Zuba

The South Cariboo Weavers, Spinners and Fibre Artists Guild is a talented group, judging from the “oohs” and “aahs” uttered by the 120 visitors at its open house in the Valley Room on June 17.

Based on all the smiles and laughter, it was also a fun and educational event for all who attended.

Guild members held the open house to not only show off their achievements, but also to broaden connections in the community.

A gallery area displayed member creations and treasured family heirlooms, while a hands-on area gave visitors and opportunity to try simple techniques. A refreshment area provided a comfortable setting to rest and visit with guild members.

The market place offered many handmade treasures, and in the demonstration area, more than a few guests were impressed, as they watched guild members using (or applying) advanced techniques.

However, not all guild members are experts and that is the strength of the group. Some are beginners, some are “experts,” but most still have more to learn.

They learn, share, encourage and support each other – all in a warm and friendly setting. Members feel strongly that their art and crafts enrich their own lives and preserve traditions that create strong and vibrant communities.

The open house was a tremendous success, and the guild has many more exciting events lined up.

Watch for a show at Parkside Art Gallery in September, participation in the 100 Mile Christmas Craft Fair and more.

Anyone wishing more information about the South Cariboo Weavers, Spinners and Fibre Artists Guild is welcome to contact Bonnie Lanosky at 250-593-4905, or e-mail

Vivian Zuba is the guild’s newsletter editor and was co-chair of the open house.


100 Mile House Free Press