OSO seeks short stories

The Okanagan Symphony Orchestra is looking for young writers to submit their stories. Winners will be featured in an upcoming OSO concert.

Young Okanagan students have a few days left at a chance to see their short story come to life with the help of the Okanagan Symphony Orchestra (OSO).

The deadline for submissions in the OSO’s short story contest is Dec. 12. Local elementary school students can submit their stories in two categories, the first from Kindergarten up to Grade 3 and the second tier from Grade 4 to 6.

Stories can be handwritten or typed and entries are also accepted in email and PDF format. Every story submitted will be read and the stories will be judged by music director of the OSO, Rosemary Thomson, as well as local school and public librarians.

Six to eight stories will be selected to become the core of the family matinee program coming up in March in Kelowna. The OSO is “most interested in a child’s original ideas, as they wish to express them” as said in a release.

Once the stories are chosen, Thomson has the task of matching up each story with music from the orchestral repertoire.

“It’s a lot of fun, it’s very creative for me to match the music to the stories,” Thomson said.

Songs chosen for the stories will range from loud and powerful to delicate and fantastical to match the subject matter.

She also added many children don’t get a chance to take in many orchestral pieces and the show is a good way to peak a child’s interest and get them more involved with classical music.

“For the kids, they hear a voice reflected to them that is of their own. Even if it’s not their individual story, it is from someone in their age bracket,” Thomson said. “This is a way that kids can really see themselves reflected on our stage.”

Tickets for the performance can be purchased online at www.okanagansymphony.com or over the phone at 250-862-2867. Tickets are $20 for adults, $15 for seniors and $12 for youth.


Penticton Western News