The Pacific Mennonite Children's Choir recently won two gold certificates at a music festival.

The Pacific Mennonite Children's Choir recently won two gold certificates at a music festival.

Pacific Mennonite Children’s Choir earns gold certificates

Fraser Valley group performed at Kiwanis Music Festival

The Pacific Mennonite Children’s Choir (PMCC) received two gold certificates for their performance at the Kiwanis Fraser Valley International Music Festival on May 3.

The group currently has two choirs  – Choristers for ages eight to 10 and Cantare for ages 10 to 18.

Each group performed three selections in the festival. The Choristers performed a song in Hebrew, and Cantare added a few fun touches of choreography to their performance of “I’se the B’y.”

PMCC participated in the festival in preparation for their concert at 7:30 p.m. on June 3 at South Abbotsford Church. Tickets are now available at House of James or King’s Music.

PMCC is an auditioned choir for unchanged voices. Visit for more information.

Abbotsford News