Christy Blom and Zann Hemphill are April’s featured artists at Art 10 Gallery. (Josef Jacobson/The News Bulletin)

Christy Blom and Zann Hemphill are April’s featured artists at Art 10 Gallery. (Josef Jacobson/The News Bulletin)

Painters holding joint ‘Paws and Plumage’ exhibit in Nanaimo

Christy Blom and Zann Hemphill featured this month at Art 10 Gallery

Wildlife painters Christy Blom and Zann Hemphill are April’s featured artists at Art 10 Gallery.

Their show, Paws and Plumage, features fauna painted in the artists’ preferred media: Blom’s delicate watercolours and Hemphill’s bold oils.

Blom’s paintings are done on rice paper using techniques she learned in Beijing. She said it makes her work appear softer.

“Mine’s a lot more bold colours, bloopy textures, a mix of brush marks and fur and it’s neat to see both in a show,” Hemphill said of her and Blom’s distinct styles. “You’ve got one that’s just this very, very soft texture and another one that’s scruffier.”

Hemphill usually paints pet portraits, but she’s been toying with more “interesting” ideas.

“Let’s not just do the front of the dog anymore, let’s do some of the back of the dog, do the feet of the dog, do the ears of the dog,” she said. “It’s almost like … deconstructed dogs.”

WHAT’S ON … Paws and Plumage at Art 10 Gallery until the end of April.

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Nanaimo News Bulletin