Painting added to gallery collection

The Permanent Art Collection of the Summerland Community Arts Council acquired a painting by local Summerland artist Bill Hibberd.

The small, but growing Permanent Art Collection of the Summerland Community Arts Council just got bigger and better with the addition of a painting by local Summerland artist Bill Hibberd.

Hibberd’s piece joins a collection that features works by Marjorie Croil, Irvine Adams, Frantisek Strouhal and others.

According to Hibbert, Adams and Croil were very encouraging to him in his early days and he is excited to see his painting along side their work.

He currently has an exhibit of 100 portraits at the Summerland Art Gallery.

If you have not seen the show “My Tribe” it is well worth a visit.

You are bound to recognize some friends and neighbours among the 100 portraits.

Hibberd is also a member of the Federation of Canadian Artists — South Okanagan Similkameen section.

This group has a new show, “Picture This,” that opens this Saturday, June 15 with a reception from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 133 Westminster Ave. W., Penticton.

If you can’t make Saturday’s opening, the gallery will be open Tuesdays to Fridays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Across town at Leir House many local artists, all of them members of the Federation of Canadian Artists, are having another show where you’ll see a range of styles and media, from acrylics and oils, to watercolours, encaustics, pastels and mixed media.

It’s a collection full of energy and colour, and it’s called “Great Moments in Art.”

There will be another opportunity to see more art from a variety of artists this summer here in Summerland.

Art Walk is returning after an absence of several years.

Between July 27 and August 31, various types of art (paintings, pastels, sculpture, pottery) will be on display in stores throughout downtown Summerland.

After the overwhelming success of last year’s pre-Father’s Day, Donuts for Dads event, the Summerland Library is hosting another one this Saturday, June 15 from 10 a.m. to noon at the library.

All girls and boys are invited to bring their Dads to this event.

It will include the amazingly successful (and highly competitive) Paper Airplane Contest, with paper airplane making between 10 a.m. and noon, and the Big Fly-Off at noon exactly.

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If you know of an event you feel should be included in the Arts Palette or on the Arts Council’s online calendar, please email or call 250-494-8994. and

The Arts Palette is written by David Finnis, Publicity Chair and President of the Summerland Community Arts Council – PO Box 1217, 9533 Main Street, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0.


Summerland Review