Penticton Art Gallery goes Steampunk

Artists and art lovers turned out in costume Friday for the opening of the Penticton Art Gallery's latest exhibition.

Elementary BASIC: A Steampunk Primer, the latest show at the Penticton Art Gallery, opened March 21 with a gala costume reception. The show continues to Sunday, May 10, as part of the ongoing Steamfest celebrations.

Timothy Tweed stands next to his piece of steampunk-inspired techno-art at the opening reception for a Steampunk primer.Dale Boyd/Penticton Western News

Kent Zakaluzny (a.k.a. Sir Z) and Frederica Arnell (a.k.a. Dame Nation) show off their steampunk costumes at the reception.Dale Boyd/Penticton Western News

Lavender Stewart, by far the youngest steampunk enthusiast in attendance, enjoys the artworks with mother Jennifer and father Kitson.

Dale Boyd/Penticton Western News


Penticton Western News