Philosophers’ Café takes on governance, good and bad

Positive Civic Engagement and Good Governance is the topic of a Conversation Cafe being held Oct. 22 at the IOOF Hall, 9536 Main St.

Positive Civic Engagement and Good Governance is the topic of a Conversation Cafe being held Oct. 22 at the IOOF Hall, 9536 Main Street.

The Summerland Philosophers’ Café Planning Committee invites citizens of Summerland to join the conversation and share your thoughts, insights and ideas on this issue that affects us all.

Governance influences almost every aspect of our lives. Among other things, governance determines who has power, how decisions are made, and how societal goals are realized.

With a municipal election a month away what better time to discuss who has a voice in making decisions and why does it matter? And what can we do to ensure we have good governance?

Although when we think governance, our focus may be on the upcoming civic elections being held Nov. 15, the concept of good governance affects many other organizations.

This is why the evening will start off with a presentation by Kelly Marshall, CEO of the Summerland Credit Union.

Credit unions, strata councils, community art councils, churches and many other organizations also face the challenge of ensuring good governance and procedures and policies that will guide and enhance the operation of their respective organization.

Please join the Philosophers’ Café planning committee at their first event of the 2014/15 season. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. with the conversation café beginning at 7 p.m.

Everyone is invited. Don’t miss this opportunity to engage in a meaningful community-wide conversation.

For more information on the conversation café process visit or

The Arts Palette is written by David Finnis, publicity chair and president of the Summerland Community Arts Council, PO Box 1217, 9908 Main Street, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0


Summerland Review