Piano adjudicator for the Performing Arts Festival in Vanderhoof

Leanne Regehr has played piano since she was three and an adjudicator for the last 14 years

Leanne Regehr

Leanne Regehr

Leanne has played piano since she was three and has been an adjudicator at festivals for the last 14 years. She has a master of music degree from the University of Alberta and explored further studies at the Banff school of fine arts, the University Mozarteum in Salzburg and the Aspen Music Festival and recently completed her doctor of music in piano performance from Northwestern University in Evanston Illinois.

She currently works as a freelance musician working for a variety of institutions and organizations such as a pianist for the Edmonton Opera and Richard Eaton Singers.

She also teaches at the University of Alberta and The King’s College in Edmonton where she plays with the Edmonton Symphony as an orchestral pianist, and collaborate with other musicians on recitals and concerts.

One of the most unique projects she was recently involved with was playing with the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra on a live soundtrack recording for a documentary film, called The Great Human Odyssey, that aired on CBC’s The Nature of Things in February, and will eventually air on PBS around the world.

“Of course I encourage my students to develop their sight-reading skills, and this was one of those situations where the ability to sight-read was a must – we did not see the music until the first rehearsal when we began recording immediately,” she said in an email interview.

Having recently adjudicated at the Coquitlam Music Festival, Leanne has also done the Contemporary Showcase festival in Edmonton, Alberta, as well as other Alberta Festivals that include Drayton Valley, St. Albert, Calgary APTA Festival, and  Grande Prairie.

“I usually adjudicate junior, intermediate or senior piano classes, but have also done some choral and vocal adjudicating,” she said.

This will be the first time Leanne adjudicates for the festival in Vanderhoof and looks forward to hearing all of the young pianists. 

“There are always moments of beautiful music-making, moments of sheer cuteness with some of the little ones, and I enjoy discovering each individual personality through their music,” she said.

Leanne will be adjudicating for the piano portion of the Performing Arts Festival March 16 -17.


Vanderhoof Omineca Express