Scrooged: Ebenezer Scrooge, portrayed by Jason Smeltzer, left, has a trick played on him by the ghost of Jacon Marley, played by Randy Brogden, during Shuswap Theatre’s production of Bah Humbug on Sunday, Dec. 7.

Scrooged: Ebenezer Scrooge, portrayed by Jason Smeltzer, left, has a trick played on him by the ghost of Jacon Marley, played by Randy Brogden, during Shuswap Theatre’s production of Bah Humbug on Sunday, Dec. 7.

Play draws belly laughs

Upcoming: Call for auditions issued for two plays, or catch the rambunctious riot that is Shuswap Theatre’s production of Bah Humbug!

There’s still time to catch the rambunctious riot that is Shuswap Theatre’s production of Bah Humbug!

This much-loved Christmas tradition is a fun-filled musical pantomime based on Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol.

It features all the familiar characters, including Ebenezer Scrooge, the ghost of Jacob Marley and the Cratchitt family, except that Tiny Tim is now a teenager with a dose of attitude.

There are five more performances of Bah, Humbug! – Friday, Dec. 12 at 7:30 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 13 at 1:30 and 7:30 and Sunday at 1:30.

Tickets are available at the door but, advance bookings  for groups of 15 or more are available by emailing

Planning has already begun for the winter production of two one-act plays, Jewel, by Joan McLeod, directed by Ann Skelhorne, and My Narrator by Norm Foster, directed by Kate McKie.

The cast for Jewel is one female approximately 30 years old.

There are four cast members in My Narrator –  one male between 20-40; one male 40+; one female 20-40 and one female 40+.

Auditions for plays will take place at the Theatre at 7 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 18, with call-backs on Friday, Dec. 19 at 7 p.m. if necessary.

Arrive at auditions with a short, prepared monologue and/or a joke.

Rehearsals begin the first week of January, and the show runs Feb. 20 to March 7, 2015.

For scripts or information, contact Ann Skelhorne at 250-804-2305 or by email, or Kate McKie at 250-833-4894, or email


Salmon Arm Observer