Kalle Mattson will be part of a show with the Sunparlour Players at the Rockwater Grill and Bar on Oct. 17.

Kalle Mattson will be part of a show with the Sunparlour Players at the Rockwater Grill and Bar on Oct. 17.

Players tour with Kalle Mattson

The Rockwater is hosting its own mini folk festival with a double hit of Canadian folk music on Wednesday Oct. 17.

The Rockwater is hosting its own mini folk festival with a double hit of Canadian folk music on Wednesday Oct. 17.

The Sunparlour Players will be playing a show with Kalle Mattson.

The Sunparlour Players, an alternative folk rock band based in Toronto, got their name from lead singer Andrew Penner’s childhood. He grew up on a farm near Leamington, in the region nicknamed Canada’s Sun Parlour.

The band independently released it’s debut album “Hymns for the Happy” in 2006. Their second album, 2009’s Wave North, has taken the band taken the band all over touring, including gigs with Mumford and Sons, Blue Rodeo, and Plants and Animals. In three short years since Kalle Mattson began writing songs, folk singer Kalle Mattson has grown from a Bob Dylan-influenced solo act into a full on experimental folk-rock-quintet.

He already has two albums under his belt, two Northern Ontario Music Award Nominations, and a Top 100 placement on the Billboard World Song Contest.

He garnered worldwide attention in November of 2011 when his music video for this single “Thick as Thieves” went viral. The video depicts the history of the world using stop-motion animation, and was created with only $250 in materials.

The video, which caught the attention of Time Magazine, The Huffington Post, Much Music and CBC News, has already had more than 1,000,000 views.

There second full length album “Anchors” (2011) was mixed by Howie Beck (Feist, Jason Collett, Hayden) and mastered at the legendary Bernie Grundman Studios (Bruce Springsteen, Neil Young, The Band). “Anchors” received rave reviews that culminated in numerous year end “Best Of” lists and a song placement on Degrassi, while the band hit the road in support of the album with stops along the way at CMW, NXNE, COCA, and Ottawa Bluesfest.

To see more about these two acts, go to www.sunparlourplayers.com, and www.kallemattson.com.


Golden Star