Pleasure Craft presents zany fun in Cumberland

Pirates of the Cascadian plays for the last time this season Monday at Cumberland United Church.

Pirates of the Cascadian, a madcap improvised musical show, plays one last time Monday, 7 p.m. at Cumberland United Church. Admission by donation, all ages. Proceeds benefit the Cumberland Community Forest Society.

Pirates of the Cascadian, a madcap improvised musical show, plays one last time Monday, 7 p.m. at Cumberland United Church. Admission by donation, all ages. Proceeds benefit the Cumberland Community Forest Society.

Just one episode remains of Pirates of the Cascadian — a madcap, musical, long format improvised show.

This is the fourth season Pleasure Craft has presented live improvised soap opera in Cumberland.

The all ages show is at 7 p.m. Monday at Cumberland United Church. Admission is by donation. Proceeds benefit the Cumberland Community Forest Society. So far, more than $200 has been raised.

Comox Valley Record