Poetry, music and art all featured at Friday house concert

Besides poetry and folk songs, come early and linger late to take in original artworks by Lisa Kirk, Nicolette Valikoski and Suzanne Davis.

MusicArt Salon presents a most original house concert – a creative and unique evening of original poetry, original folk songs, and original art – all in a one-of-a-kind heritage home in Cumberland.

Poet Dan Kirk has recently performed at Joe’s Garage, The Freakin’ Cafe, Union Street Grill, and a full house performance at Fanny Bay Community Hall.

Dan has been writing and presenting poems, and storytelling, for more than 20 years, and hosts a monthly poetry event at Red Tree Specialty Coffee in Tin Town.

Between Dan’s readings, singer/songwriter David Freeman will be finger-picking his guitar to accompany his original folk song. He’s written more than 200 songs and while performing with Dan at Fanny Bay, discovered they were the perfect pairing.

Besides poetry and folk songs, come early and linger late to take in original artworks by Lisa Kirk, Nicolette Valikoski and Suzanne Davis.

The event takes place Friday, Sept. 16. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Music and poetry begin at 7. For where to go and how to pay, contact Bette at 250-336-2808.

Comox Valley Record