Deadline to enter the Ode to a Farmer poetry contest is midnight Sunday, Sept. 18.

Deadline to enter the Ode to a Farmer poetry contest is midnight Sunday, Sept. 18.

Poets praise farmers

Submissions now being accepted in annual Ode to a Farmer poetry contest

As part of the annual Farmers Appreciation Week celebrations (Sept. 12 to 18), the BC Association of Farmers’ Markets is inviting British Columbians to submit their original poems to honour B.C.’s local farmers.

Writers of all levels are encouraged to submit their farm themed-poems to the fourth annual Ode To a Farmer Poetry Contest by midnight on Sunday, Sept. 18.

The grand prize-winner will receive a $150 gift certificate to spend at the B.C. farmers’ market of their choice.

Submissions are being accepted online, by email, and by mail.

“It’s such a pleasure reading poetry from across British Columbia that connects to the land, and to farmers and food,” said Renee Sarojini Saklikar, Surrey’s poet laureate and returning judge.

“I always learn something new and am delighted to see so many entries.”

Last year’s competition received a record 120 submissions, and organizers are hoping to get even more this year.

“We encourage everyone to take a few minutes to consider the immense skill, time and dedication that goes into growing that fresh food we all value. It’s For more information, visit

Langley Times