Glenny Davidson, seen here, her students and several national champs will perform at a disco-themed pole dance event at Errington hall on June 2. — Melissa Dayman-Langen Photo

Glenny Davidson, seen here, her students and several national champs will perform at a disco-themed pole dance event at Errington hall on June 2. — Melissa Dayman-Langen Photo

Pole dancers bring disco theme for second Errington hall event

Island Talent Pole Fitness show to include national champs on June 2

A variety of athletes and performers are setting their poles back up at Errington hall for the second Island Talent Pole Fitness Show.

Having taken place last year for the first time, students of Island Talent Pole Fitness and their teacher, Glenny Davidson, introduced many people to a growing side of pole dancing — one that emphasizes physical strength, theatricality and even comedy, as opposed to stripping.

While Davidson said in a previous interview that there is nothing wrong with being sexy, what she and her students do is more about the sport and theatre side of what pole dancing can be.

Last year’s pole fitness show did a lot to show the dance in a new light, said Davidson, while also giving her students a chance to show their community what they can do.

“I had quite a few older ladies come up to me that had been at the show that were just amazed by the talent and strength (of the dancers),” said Davidson.

“Errington hall has quite a bit of support in the community, so there were people that had never been to a pole show that actually went, so it wasn’t just family and friends of people who pole. There was other people in the community that went.”

For this year’s show, Davidson is encouraging attendees to get in on some of the fun. With a disco fever theme, there will be prizes for the best costumes in the audience. Some door prizes and/or costume prizes include a home dance pole, and a free tattoo.

In keeping with the theme, Davidson will be doing her performance wearing roller skates, which she notes don’t seem so heavy until you’re trying to invert yourself.

“It is very difficult,” said Davidson. “Spins are a little bit more difficult because the centrifugal force of the weight keeps you out.”

Davidson won’t be the only one bringing her A-game to the performance. There will be four national champions performing at the show, ranging from some in their 20s to 40+. There will also be many of Davidson’s students, some who have never performed before and others that attendees might recognize from last year’s show.

The sport continues to grow in genre, with some dancers presenting comedic performances at the show, while Davidson herself is preparing to compete in a brand-new pole dance competition in Canada — pole theatre.

While the competition has been held in various places since beginning in Australia, this June will be the first time Canada is hosting it, said Davidson.

The Island Talent Pole Fitness Show takes place Saturday, June 2 at Errington War Memorial Hall. The performance begins at 8 p.m. Tickets are $20 and can be purchased at Errington General Store, Cranky Dog Music in Parksville, Heaven on Earth Natural Foods in Qualicum Beach or online at

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