Fort Langley National Historic Site offers a ticketed Survivalist’s Guide to a Zombie Apocalypse event Sept. 28. (Parks Canada/Special to the Langley Advance Times)

Fort Langley National Historic Site offers a ticketed Survivalist’s Guide to a Zombie Apocalypse event Sept. 28. (Parks Canada/Special to the Langley Advance Times)

Powder the muskets, zombies are coming!

Fort Langley National Historic Site offers up A Survivalist's Guide to a Zombie Apocalypse, Sept. 28

Be forewarned! Fort Langley will be in the midst of a zombie invasion on Saturday, Sept. 28.

A Survivalist’s Guide to a Zombie Apocalypse, an after-hours and adult-only evening at Fort Langley National Historic Site (FLNHS), takes place at 6 p.m.

Four old-fashioned survival skills will be offered up through the knowledge and advice of guest presenters.

Andrew Bellefontaine, a program interpreter at FLNHS, said the pop-culture appreciation of staff member Aman Johal led to the first Survivalist’s Guide last fall to capitalize on the zombie craze.

“We hear people all the time say that Fort Langley would be a good place to go if zombies attacked,” Bellefontaine said. “We created the program with that in mind and tried to answer how people would survive if that were to happen.”

Wilderness first aid, rifle-firing, fire-starting, and black-smithing will all be covered to ready participants for an un-dead takeover…in case such an event ever does occur…through this special ticketed Halloween-themed event.

For those fearing that “zombies” might come popping out from behind a corner, Bellefontaine said there will be no jump scares – the evening is based on the survival aspect, meaning no zombies – real or pretend – will be present.

In place of muskets, Bellefontaine also explained participants will get to fire four full rounds with specially brought-in rifles while later taking part in a newly re-written blacksmith experience.

Tickets are now on sale at, costing $41.50 per person, which includes a unique tinder kit made by the FLNHS blacksmith.

“The kit contains flint and steel and rope which people will learn how to use. They’ll get to keep it after and put it with their camping gear – maybe use it as a good party trick,” Bellefontaine explained.

Read More: Coming to you live from Fort Langley

Additionally this fall, visitors can find a guided White Glove tours with a FLNHS curator every Monday and Friday at 2:30 p.m., a chance for people to learn the stories of Fort Langley’s past through a hands-on examination of metal objects dating from the fur trade and gold rush eras.

Grave Tales, a storytelling tour with a haunted twist, along with a costume-filled Halloween celebration will be running later in October.

As for the one-night-only zombie survival course, Bellefontaine said FLNHS hopes to make it an annual fall fixture.

“Last year was our prototype year and we’ve made a few changes,” Bellefontaine said. “We hope to make it a more regular thing, which it looks like it could be given that the event sold out early last year and it seems like we’re going to do the same.”

Lelem’ at the fort café will also be open before the zombie event for food and drinks.


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