The cover of Justine Vandergrift's album, Sailor.

The cover of Justine Vandergrift's album, Sailor.

Prairie singers teaming up for Creston concert

Richard Inman and Logan McKillop joining Justine Vandergrift for Creston stop on "Sailor" release tour...

On Nov. 12, three unique emerging Canadian songwriters will tell their tales and sing their songs at the Sasquatch. These three artists share Prairie roots and the joy of a great country folk tune, and look forward to sharing their songs ‘in the round’ on this special stage. Richard Inman and Logan McKillop arrive in Creston after two weeks together on their fall tour to join Justine Vandergrift as part of her Sailor album release tour.

Vandergrift’s clear, rich voice and finely-tuned song-craft bespeak an affinity with the likes of Patty Griffin, Bonnie Raitt and Sarah Harmer, but her own brand of country soul has deeper roots than that, ones that dig into the hymns and folk songs of her central Alberta youth. Her two studio releases reveal a rare and irresistible knack for melody, and Sailor represents a deepening of that artistry. Vandergrift is like the old hymns she grew up with — even if you can’t quite put your finger on what makes them genuine and authentic, they are undeniably so.

Growing up on the edge of Riding Mountain National Park in Manitoba, McKillop has a multitude of songs for every change in the prairie sky. Being a modern day traveling troubadour, he has seen it all: the jungles of Cambodia, the rainforests of Peru, the highlands of Scotland, the rugged tundra of Baffin Island. His travels and experiences have shaped his ever expanding catalogue of sound.

Inman is quickly becoming a staple of Winnipeg’s folk and country scene. With a butter-rich voice and delicate musical touch, he crafts mature songs that feel at once deeply familiar and bracingly fresh. Inman has proven himself a savvy songwriter and true Prairie gem.

Tickets are $12 in advance at Buffalo Trails Coffee House, Kingfisher Used Books and Black Bear Books, and $15 at the door, which opens at 6 p.m.; the show starts at 7. Teens receive a special $8 rate only at the door.


Creston Valley Advance