Princeton Arts Council would like your suggestions

Would like the community to provide input as to who or what kind of shows you would like to see.

The Arts Council Concert Series in 2013 was particularly successful. March brought the De Danaan School of Irish Dance. The full house thrilled to the staccato rhythms of the dancers’ feet. Some of the audience will have noted that one of the dancers, Freddie Ngyen, was especially adept and we are proud to report that he went on to the international championships in Ireland and has now joined a troupe of dancers based in Ireland.

In April, we offered Alpha Yaya Diallo, a multiple Juno award winner. Classic acoustic guitar combined with African drummers for an exciting performance from an internationally recognized musician. Then in June, a total change of pace. The Concertante Chamber Players, a string quartet gave attendees a sublime evening of classical pieces.

This past fall, we kicked off the new series with Fab Fourever, who played to another full house. Their take on the early Beatles music was superb and their Liverpool accents well-rehearsed as they practiced a Beatles style of banter with the audience.

Scheduled for February and March this year are, ‘Outerbridge: Clockwork Ministries’, a high energy magical adventure for the whole family, (check out and ‘Wheat in the Barley’, a group of six musicians playing a mixture of music from around the world in all kinds of genres on a wide variety of instruments. (

Meanwhile, the Arts Council is currently seeking to book performances for the 2014 – 2015 concert series and would like the community to provide input as to who or what kind of shows you would like to see.

The Arts Council has been fortunate to qualify for grant funding to assist in the costs of bringing in artists, but it is important to the council that the demands of the audience are being met.

Please send your suggestions to Princeton Arts Council at or call Marjorie Holland at 250-295-6718


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