Princeton library's third annual writers festival draws impressive speakers

Princeton library’s third annual writers festival draws impressive speakers

Fall is the time we say goodbye to summer and return to our usual routines; back to school for the kids and for the rest of us it's a chance for personal renewal.

Fall is the time we say goodbye to summer and return to our usual routines; back to school for the kids and for the rest of us it’s a chance for personal renewal.

It’s also when the Princeton Readers and Writers group will host our third annual Writers Festival on Saturday Sept 14 6:30-8 p.m. for author speaking event, and Sunday Sept 15 11a.m.- noon for two simultaneous workshops. All free to the public with registration, at the Princeton Public Library, 107 Vermilion Street. Presented by the Okanagan Regional Library. Please contact festival director, Paula Shackleton via email, or call us at the library, Jeremy Dearden 250-295-6594 for further details.

This year we host two fascinating speakers on our 2019 theme, THE EXAMINED LIFE. Get ready to jump-start your social and emotional intelligence. This year’s topic has personal connotations for me. Many of you know that my husband passed away over a year ago, and in the process of dealing with this we turned to a dear friend who is a certified psychologist with expertise in coaching people through difficult life transitions. Her new book encapsulates her wisdom, experience and process. She guides us through a process of self-examine toward valuable decisions toward healthy outlooks and practices. It’s called, “BE WISE NOW: A GUIDE TO

CONCSIOUS LIVING” (Published by Feel Inc. Apr 2019) 442 pgs and is available online to order or digitally download. (Printed copies of the book from the author are being pre-delivered.)

Our next author-speaker is none other than the former CEO of Weyerhaeuser Canada Inc., (2008-2014) Anne Giardini O.C., O.B.C., and Q.C.

Don’t be intimidated by all the letters following Anne’s name. Despite the degrees, honours and accolades: the Order of Canada, Queens Council, and contributions as the 11th Chancellor of Simon Fraser University, Trustee of the Vancouver Writers Festival, Chair of the BC Achievement Foundation, winner of BC’s Most Influential Women in Finance award and much more, Anne is one of the most approachable people you can imagine.

In addition to a productive career in business as a leader and mentor, she is also a three- book author, (The Sad Truth About Happiness, Advice for Italian Boys) who together with her son Nicholas Giardini, has edited a wonderful book titled, “Startle and Illuminate” (Penguin Random House 2016), which is a collection of her famous mother’s advice on writing. Anne’s mother was one of Canada’s foremost authors: Carol Shields.

Readers will be well familiar with her works: Stone Diaries, Larry’s Party, Unless. This book, Startle and Illuminate is a wonderful examination of Carol’s writerly world, her inspiration and her connection to writing with her students from creative writing taught at University of Alberta.

We have asked the library to order copies of these books for our loaning collections, but even if you don’t get the chance to read them in advance, you will enjoy hearing these author read from their books, and discuss all the topics along our theme, as well as participate in discussions that follow.

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