Round the Bend at Salt Creek runs this weekend at the Gabriola Theatre.

Round the Bend at Salt Creek runs this weekend at the Gabriola Theatre.

Production focuses on dreams

Round the Bend at Salt Creek will be playing at the Gabriola Theatre this weekend.

When a total stranger from Toronto walks into the lives of two people living in Tennessee everything changes.

That’s the basis behind Round the Bend at Salt Creek, a three-person production that will be playing at the Gabriola Theatre this weekend.

Written by Joëlle Anthony, Round the Bend at Salt Creek stars Anthony along with her husband Victor and Portia Boehm.

The play is set in northeastern Tennessee in 1953 and is about a girl who dreams of performing at the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville.

Anthony says she and her husband have long wanted to put together a production.

“We always wanted to do a play together and because he [Victor] loved old time music we thought it would be fun,” Anthony said.

The play runs Saturday (June 13) at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday (June 14) at 3 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.

Tickets are $20 at the door and $10 for anyone under the age of 16.

For more tickets and information, please visit

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