Program helps artists gain business knowledge

NANAIMO - Network Hub members launch new project in Nanaimo to help artists.

Angie Barnard, left, and Fiona Friesen offer artists opportunities to grow their business with a new pilot project in Nanaimo.

Angie Barnard, left, and Fiona Friesen offer artists opportunities to grow their business with a new pilot project in Nanaimo.

Artists looking to move beyond the hobby phase into a business phase can get a helping hand from an entrepreneurial pilot project launching in Nanaimo.

Nanaimo businesswomen Angie Barnard and Fiona Friesen have collaborated to help artists who want to expand but aren’t sure where to start or the right pathways to follow for success.

Barnard, is chief motivating officer of The Network Hub, a co-working space on Wallace Street. Besides Nanaimo, there are hubs in Vancouver, New Westminister and Whistler.

Barnard said it’s different than a regular office space because of the culture and the services offered.

“We approach it as you are a member of the community as opposed to as we approach a lessee,” she said.

Spaces like The Network Hub become community hubs for entrepreneurs, free lancers and other businesses, including artists, Barnard said. The idea was created because businesses were saying that they didn’t just need space, but needed help also. The hubs allow members to access business coaches, sign makers and more.

The Artist-2-Entrepreneur program is led by Friesen and is a pilot project in Nanaimo.

“Artists do not follow the typical pathway of entrepreneurship from business plan, to investors, to sales projections. I’m eager to share the methods I use, which represent the artist’s journey while providing evaluation tools to explore new opportunities, make smart business decisions and sell more,” said Friesen in a press release.

It doesn’t matter if the artisan is a furniture maker, painter, sculptor or seamstress said Barnard. What matters is what stage of business growth the artisan is at.

“They are starting that critical point where they need to make a decision to expand business or just continue it as a hobby,” said Barnard.

She said the program helps artists decided what the most effective business platforms are for their products.

The Network Hub, which is already in place, allows artists to network and gain connections with other businesses that may help them with product aspects or knowledge. The vision is to create a permanent Network Hub Artists’ Studio where members can work, host events, train and create retail spaces.

In addition to the programs there is also the Nanaimo PopUp Shop, where members can sell their products.

Barnard said there are three ways artists can get involved. Artists can work out of the Network Hub. A work pass is available for $200 a month and gives people access to the office space and equipment and meeting rooms from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Artists can join the popup shop for a minimum of one month and a maximum of six months and must commit to working in the shop a minimum of one day a week. The popup shop fees range from $100 to $250 a month.

For more information, please go to or call 250-713-9409. For info about the Artist-2-Entrepreneur program, please go to or call 250-667-3496.

Nanaimo News Bulletin