The Star recently interviewed Nelson violinist Natasha Hall via email.

The Star recently interviewed Nelson violinist Natasha Hall via email.

Q&A with violinist Natasha Hall

The Star touches base with Nelson violinist about her upcoming Capitol concert.

Nelson violinist Natasha Hall will be playing a concert Saturday at 8 p.m. at the Capitol Theatre along with pianist Susanne Ruberg-Gordon. The Star connected with her by email.

Q. You’re coming to Nelson for a concert. You grew up here, right?

A. It’s always lovely coming home to such a beautiful place. I feel really fortunate to have grown up in the mountains. I think they will always feel like home.

I’m so happy to have the chance to perform in Nelson again. There is something about playing in your hometown that feels different to anywhere else you play.

You have a much more personal connection with the audience as many folks have watched you learn and grow since childhood. It’s lovely to look out there and see so many familiar faces. Also a little daunting!

When you know everyone, there is a different kind of added pressure. “Pressure” has a bit of a negative connotation though — I prefer words like “excitement” or “energy” because this heightened state is actually a good thing when it comes to performing. That’s when the magic happens.

Q. Give us an idea of what sort of night it’s going to be. What types of music will you play? Any favourite pieces?

A. Our program is designed to take the listener on a musical journey of the western world over the past nearly 300 years. I tried to design the structure a bit like a seven course meal — start with the salad and end with dessert. A sort of soundscape tasting menu!

Susanne and I will be playing works from all the major compositional periods: baroque, classical, romantic, impressionist, modern and even a soundtrack to a film.

I’m very excited to share so much great music with everyone!

Q. Tell us about your relationship with the violin. When did you start playing? What do you like about it?

A. Apparently I told my parents I was going to be a violinist at the age of two. I suppose they thought I would grow out of this notion, but by the time I was seven, they finally gave in and allowed me to begin lessons. I haven’t looked back since. My mother actually wanted me to play the cello. Well, I think we all know who won that argument! Sorry, Mom.

I have no idea where I first heard the violin, but I love the sound. Such a beautiful instrument — much like the human voice. And then of course there are the practical benefits to playing the violin, like being able to take the fiddle as carry-on baggage while flying. (Thank goodness I didn’t go for the cello! Buying an extra seat for your musical companion gets quite pricey quite quickly …)

Q. You raise money for charities. Why?

A. I have been so fortunate in my life and never forget the people who have so graciously helped me along the way. As human beings, it is so important we look out for each other and do what we can to assist our brothers and sisters. After all, we are supposed to all be on the same team!

In a world where success is often determined by status and financial gain, it is easy to become self absorbed and forget about the more beautiful side of human nature — having the capacity to love one another. If each of us did one small thing every day to benefit someone else, just think what a better place the world would be already!

Nelson Star