Lakes District residents were charmed by four outstanding vocalists from Quebec last week.

Lakes District residents were charmed by four outstanding vocalists from Quebec last week.

Quartom Vocal Quartet delights Burns Lake 

Lakes District residents were charmed by four outstanding vocalists from Quebec last week.

Lakes District residents were charmed by four outstanding vocalists from Quebec last week. The Quartom Vocal Quartet performed a variety of pop and classical tunes – from the world of opera to a selection of The Beatles’ songs. Approximately 165 people watched the concert in Lakes District Secondary School’s multipurpose room. “We were very pleased with the audience numbers, and with their enthusiastic response to the performers during and after the show,” said John Barth with the Lakes District Arts Council. “We’ve had very many positive comments and reactions from folks around town in the couple of days since the show.” Quartom’s manager sent this message from the road, “Our stay in Burns Lake will certainly stay in our memory for a long time.”


Burns Lake Lakes District News