National Read a Book Day is Sunday, Sept. 6, 2020 and the Village of Queen Charlotte will be celebrating with a week of literary activities. (Pexels photo)

National Read a Book Day is Sunday, Sept. 6, 2020 and the Village of Queen Charlotte will be celebrating with a week of literary activities. (Pexels photo)

Queen Charlotte celebrating Read a Book Day with costume contest, free books

'Blind Date With a Book' event starts on Sept. 8

National Read a Book Day is Sept. 6 and the Village of Queen Charlotte will be celebrating with a week of activities.

The village is inviting people to participate in a literary costume contest by dressing up like their favourite book characters.

For a chance to win prizes, email or upload your photo to Facebook and tag #QCReadABook and @VillageofQueenCharlotte before Sept. 10.

The village office will also have free books to give away starting Sept. 8, as part of the “Blind Date With a Book” event.

All books will be gift wrapped as a reminder that people should not judge a book by its cover, though staff may provide synopses or drawings as a guide.

According to an update from the village, more surprises may be announced between Sept. 8 and 11.

ALSO READ: Village of Queen Charlotte hosting virtual quiz night

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