Quesnel’s Correlieu Players present two comedies for the price of one

It will be a laugh-a-minute at Chuck Mobley Theatre at Correlieu Secondary School

Quesnel's Correlieu Players present two comedies for the price of one

If you enjoy live theatre and want to encourage young thespians in our high school, the Correlieu Players are presenting two plays for the price of one evening’s entertainment, Dec. 8 at 6:30 p.m. and Dec. 9 at 1 p.m. in Chuck Mobley Theatre at Correlieu Secondary School (CSS).

Tickets are $7, general admission or $5 for seniors/students. The tickets available at the CSS office or at the door.

Both plays The 9 Worst Breakups of all Times and How to Succeed in High School without really Trying are directed by Correlieu students.

The 9 Worst Breakups of all Times, which directed by Grade 12 student Emma Bartel, is a hilarious comedy that chronicles the worst breakups beginning with Cro-Magnon through the Civil War to a smattering of modern-day breakups to help a young girl get a perspective on what a really bad breakup entails.

She has just broken up with her boyfriend and is heartbroken and thinks its the worst breakup ever.

The moral of the play is no matter how bad your breakup may seem there’s always one worst than yours.

The character of Eve Tonsil from the nonprofit company Relationships for a Better Tomorrow presents these really bad breakups to the main character Kati.

After a musical interlude between plays by the Correlieu Musical department, the second play How to Succeed in High School without really Trying is directed by Grade 11 Correlieu student Joan Terlesky.

The play begins with a group of student agents infiltrating an assembly to demonstrate their secret tips and tricks, ranging from legally changing your name to get around roll call to using Tom Cruise to help memorize science terms.

High school will never be the same.

Quesnel Cariboo Observer