QuintEssence bringing opera in a la carte performance

The show runs Friday, March 13 at 7:30 p.m. at the Charlie White Theatre.

QuintEssence features the talents of internationally renowned vocalists Robyn Driedger-Klassen, Barb Towell, Frédérik Robert and Peter Alexander with celebrated pianist Tina Chang.

QuintEssence features the talents of internationally renowned vocalists Robyn Driedger-Klassen, Barb Towell, Frédérik Robert and Peter Alexander with celebrated pianist Tina Chang.

SIDNEY — Midway through their first tour together, opera superstar group QuintEssence is coming to Sidney next Friday.

The group features the talents of internationally renowned vocalists Robyn Driedger-Klassen, Barb Towell, Frédérik Robert and Peter Alexander with celebrated pianist Tina Chang.

The group goes out of their way to include the audience in their shows, part of their passion for sharing the classics.

“The whole group started with the idea that we wanted to bring classical music into the mainstream,” says the group’s pianist Tina Chang.

To that end, Quint-Essence offers an ‘a la carte’ part of the show, where audience members get to choose three of six music selections for the group to perform.

The show runs Friday, March 13 at 7:30 p.m. at the Charlie White Theatre at the Mary Winspear Centre, 2243 Beacon Ave. Tickets are $24.15, available at the box office, at marywinspear.ca or by calling 250-656-0275.

For more information, visit quintessencemusic.ca.

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