Rick takes a shot during regular pool league action at the Legion.

Rick takes a shot during regular pool league action at the Legion.

Rack ’em up!

Sooke pool league is seeking more players for weekly games

For the past three years, people have been chalking up their cues and smacking a few balls at the Sooke Legion. The pool league, which currently has four teams, plays on either Monday or Tuesday nights. Each team has six players, one of whom has to be a female. Clint is seen here preparing to take a shot.


The league standings as of February 4 are:

Team 1 – 16 points

Team 2 – 20 points

Str8 Shooters (team 3) – 16 points

Team 4 – 4 points.


Anyone interested in playing can email “fuzzy” fuzzyfed@shaw.ca.

Sooke News Mirror