RDCK director commissions COVID parody music video

Castlegar's Twin Rivers Community Choir sings about keeping safe from COVID

Regional District of Central Kootenay Area I director Andy Davidoff had a Christmas request for Castlegar’s Twin Rivers Community choir — to produce a music video to share a message.

The result is a COVID-themed parody of Tiny Bubbles.

It features choir members adorned with Santa hats, reindeer antlers, Hawaiian shirts and leis — paying homage to the song’s original Hawaiian roots.

They cheerfully sing about keeping safe from COVID-19 this holiday season.

The song leads off with: “Tiny bubbles, in my life, keep me healthy, keep me alive.”

“So here’s to my PPE and here’s to my Zoom TV. And here’s virtual toast to you and me.”

Davidoff, who wrote most of the lyrics, is encouraging people to “keep our bubbles tiny until it is safe for us to fully and freely enjoy life again without any constraints.”

“Please accept this calorie and fat-free musical gift so lovingly produced by the members of our very own, Twin Rivers Community Choir, to share with your loved ones, friends, neighbours, and colleagues because what the world needs right now are ‘Tiny Bubbles’,” said Davidoff.

You can view the video at youtu.be/tTt5VfjjTBU .

RELATED: Castlegar choir releases online music video

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