Reach Gallery holds two arts events

Abbotsford venue holds collage workshop on March 31 and curator's talk and tour on April 7

This photograph by Edward Burtynsky is among those currently displayed in a new exhibition at The Reach Gallery Museum. It is titled Shipyard #7, Qili Port, Zhejiang Province, China, 2005.

This photograph by Edward Burtynsky is among those currently displayed in a new exhibition at The Reach Gallery Museum. It is titled Shipyard #7, Qili Port, Zhejiang Province, China, 2005.

The Reach Gallery Museum (32388 Veterans Way) hosts two creative and interactive arts events over the next week.

The first event takes place Thursday, March 31 from 6 to 8:30 p.m. and is a Cut-Out for Collage workshop.

Visual artist Anne J Steves will guide participants step by step through choosing materials, shapes and imagery to make dynamic art pieces.

Participants will work with Plexiglas, lace and other layering materials to create depth and texture.

Steves is a visual artist working primarily through thread-based media. Her work explores the narratives of place and the ways in which craft esthetics can draw out connections between ourselves and the spaces we dwell in.

The second event is held Thursday, April 7 at 7:30 p.m. and is a free Curator’s Talk and Tour with Bruce Grenville, senior curator at the Vancouver Art Gallery.

He will lead participants through a tour of the current Reach exhibition A Terrible Beauty: Edward Burtynsky in Dialogue with Emily Carr.

This is a selection of works by renowned Toronto photographer Burtynsky in conversation with paintings and drawings by one of B.C.’s most popular artists, the late Emily Carr.

They share a deep and abiding concern for their environment and the impact of human activity on the land.

Visit for more information on the collage workshop, including cost details, or to register, or call 604-864-8087 (ext. 127).


Abbotsford News