Reach Gallery Museum holds three ‘coffee talk’ sessions

Program runs May 4, 11 and 18 at the Abbotsford facility

Elma (Martens) Schemenauer is among the presenters at the Culture, Coffee and Cookies sessions in May at The Reach.

Elma (Martens) Schemenauer is among the presenters at the Culture, Coffee and Cookies sessions in May at The Reach.

The Reach Gallery Museum Abbotsford continues its Culture, Coffee and Cookies sessions in May.

On Wednesday, May 4 at 10:30 a.m., Marlene Dance will talk about The Canadian Home Children in Canada and about her husband’s grandfather, Walter Henry Dance.

Dance facilitates workshops at local libraries, teaches a beginners’ genealogy class at UFV and is genealogist for the Chilliwack branch of the United Empire Loyalists Association of Canada.

On May 11, Mike and Judy Campbell will share the story of their Campbell’s Gold Honey Farm and Meadery.

The Campbells will discuss where honey and pollen come from, how the bees know where to find the flowers, and a bit about the hive and the bees responsible for collecting their products.

The final session is on May 18 at 10:30 a.m. and features Elma (Martens) Schemenauer discussing

Remembering the Past Enriches the Future.

Schemenauer will explore the reasons why remembering the past enriches our lives, how it helps us appreciate what we have today, gives us a greater sense of identity, and draws together people from different cultures.

She will touch on ways of preserving and sharing memories, whether through photographs, visual art, storytelling, recipes, biography, memoir or poetry, and she’ll give practical tips on writing about the past.

The Reach Gallery is located at  32388 Veterans Way. For more information or to register, visit or call 604-864-8087 (dial 0).

Abbotsford News