Winnipeg trio Red Moon Road performs a Saturday show at the Upstairs Lounge on Sept. 27.

Winnipeg trio Red Moon Road performs a Saturday show at the Upstairs Lounge on Sept. 27.

Red Moon Road opens Upstairs season

Meet the first band of the Oak Bay Rec concert season

Upstairs Lounge hosts its first concert of the season Saturday, Sept. 27 at 7:30 p.m. featuring Winnipeg trio Red Moon Road.

The trio consists of jazz-trained Daniel Jordan and bilingual prog-rock vet Daniel Peloquin-Hopfner who support twilight-voiced singer Sheena Rattai.

“Victoria is the first date of a tour that will take us all the way down the Western seaboard to L.A. at the end of the month,” Jordan said. “We couldn’t be more excited to kick things off in Victoria and that excitement is going to make for a great show.”

Oak Bay News indulged in a little Q&A with Daniel Jordan in advance of the concert at Oak Bay Recreation’s Upstairs Lounge, 1975 Bee St.:

OBN: What brought you to Vancouver Island and Oak Bay?

RMR: We, as a band, have only visited the beautiful Island once so far. Our connection are the fabulously talented Bachand siblings. We met Quinn and Qristina at a folk showcase conference in Ontario a number of years ago and were blown away. In an event full of talented people these two super young players stood out above the rest. Luckily, they were just as nice to hang out with as to listen to, and we really hit it off as friends. When we were touring out to Western Canada last year they, and their family, were kind enough to set up a great show, and that went so well, we just had to come back.

OBN: What kind of show do you promise residents of Oak Bay?

RMR: Anyone who has seen Red Moon Road live knows that our show is a mix of songs and stories. For us they are an inextricably part of what we do a musicians. Great stories make for great songs, and in the telling of the stories we have found the songs themselves take on a greater meaning. We are a band of diverse inferences, Daniel Peloquin-Hopfner played metal and classical music growing up, Sheena comes from a gospel and funk background, and Daniel Jordan studied jazz, and grew up on the Beatles and Motown. We will also be giving folks a sneak peek of music from our new album, due out late 2014.

OBN: What do you hope the residents give you in return as an audience?

RMR: The same warmth, enthusiasm and sophistication we received last time. It’s a pretty special honour to play for folks who respond so kindly, clap after solos and actually listen. It inspires us to give our best and is a real privilege. We believe strongly in this band that a show is a two way and collective experience, and strive to do our best to engage the audience. We are so honoured to do this for a living, and are always grateful to the people who support us.

Visit to hear some tunes.

Tickets for all shows are $12 in advance at Ivy’s Bookshop and Oak Bay Recreation or at online. Tickets are $15 at the door.



Oak Bay News