Reel Paddling Film Festival resumes Tuesday

The Reel Paddling Film Festival has been rescheduled to resume on Tuesday, April 16 at the Gibraltar Room.

The Reel Paddling Film Festival has been rescheduled to resume on Tuesday, April 16 at the Gibraltar Room.

Doors open at 6:30 and the film starts at 7 p.m.

The festival came to an abrubt halt toward the end of the first film during the festival last week when the projection equipment failed.

The equipment has been repaired and the festival will resume this Tuesday where it left off.

Those who didn’t have tickets for the original night and want to attend will miss the first film but will get in for a reduced fee.

The World Tour 2013 – Reel Paddling Film Festival offers several incredible films about surfing, stand-up surfing, canoeing, kayaking, including waterfall kayaking, rafting and other adventures on water.

It is heartening to see how many  young people are not only interested in the sport but also learning about the importance of water for life – and learning about some of the nasty malpractices of industries.

One moment you are hanging on to your seat, and losing it, rushing through incredible whitewater, the next moment you are in a canoe in awe of the beauty of nature and wondering what you can do to protect it.

You will also follow stand-up surfers in Iceland in an amazing glacial landscape covered in ashes from the volcano fallout and two young guys from Alaska exploring the Ganges River in India, from its beginning in the Himalayan mountains to its meeting point with the ocean.

This is a great event for Williams Lake which prides itself on its outdoor recreation and adventures.

It sets the mood for the upcoming summer, and TRU is happy to sponsor this.

There will be a break between the two sets of films in which we offer you goodies from Hobbit House and the Cariboo Growers food co-operative.

We also have programs available (free)  giving you the opportunity to sign up for free digital edition subscriptions of four different kayak and canoe magazines.

This is a special event – brought to town just for you! Proceeds will be shared by the LDA, Williams Lake Chapter of the Association for Students with Learning Disabilities, and the WL Paddle Club.


Williams Lake Tribune