Sherman and Mr. Peabody are a time travelling father and son team, really.

Sherman and Mr. Peabody are a time travelling father and son team, really.

REEL REVIEWS: A dog and his boy

Taylor and Howe provide their thoughts on Mr. Peabody and Sherman

Mr. Peabody is different than other dogs. It’s more than just the fact that he walks on his hind legs, wears glasses and talks, he’s also a scientist, inventor and the only dog ever to legally be allowed to adopt a child, whom he names Sherman.

Mr. Peabody and Sherman have time-travel adventures in the WABAC machine, until Sherman breaks the rules and changes history.

Now they’ll have to fix a time rift before it destroys the world, while at the same time fighting off those who think dogs have no business raising children.

We ask, “What’s the point?”

HOWE: I took my young son (he’s six) like I always do to animated movies to get a youngster’s reaction to a movie like this. I asked him what it was about, to see if he understood the film.

FENIN: It’s about Mr. Peabody and Sherman. Mr Peabody is his dad, he is smart. He is a dog. Hey did you know my dad is a dog?


HOWE: It’s because I’m smart.

FENIN: Can we go for a walk now?

HOWE: Do you understand this movie at all, Fenin?

FENIN: What movie?

TAYLOR: Sherman and Mr. Peabody originally appeared in shorts during the Rocky and Bullwinkle Show, starting in the 50s. So the only way I knew of them was in reference to themselves from other shows.

I think I remember them in a Halloween episode of the Simpsons, popping into existence in some place they didn’t belong, then disappearing again. From what I gather, the two travel around to key points in history to have adventures and make bad puns. I probably would have found it stupid 70 years ago, now it’s pointless. A waste of money.

HOWE: I don’t get this movie. Is it meant to be a history lesson or a animated comedy? To me it failed on both counts. The history side I found was too old for the younger age group (10 and under) and the funnies too young for older kids (10 and older). In the opening five minutes, I realized that this was going to be a very long hour-and-a-half. I agree, it is a waste of money, but the popcorn tasted good.

TAYLOR: Bad puns are Mr. Peabody’s schtick. That and time travel are the only things this film has to work with. It’s not enough. I can pretty much guarantee that there will not be Mr. Peabody 2, that’s the good news.

Howe gives Mr. Peabody and Sherman 1.5 history lessons out of 5.

Taylor gives it 1 unexplained inceptions out of 5.

Fenin gives it 5 time machines out of 5.


The film is currently showing at the Galaxy Cinemas in Vernon.



Vernon Morning Star